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Clacton & District Indoor Bowls Club Ltd

Club History
The Club was founded in 1936 and is one of the oldest Indoor Bowls Clubs in the County. It had enjoyed the facilities and amenities of the Clacton Council`s Band Pavilion each winter season until 1970. From 1964 onwards efforts were made by the Clacton Council to dispose of the property, to relieve the heavy burden on the rates. At the time there were frequent unpleasant comments in the local press and eventually the Council only permitted the Club to continue the use of the Pavilion on an annual basis. This threat was taken very seriously and in 1965 about 800 bowlers in the district were consulted with a view to discovering if there was sufficient interest to raise capital to acquire other premises. Unfortunately, the response was poor and the matter was temporarily dropped. The lack of interest was not really surprising because the Council had made no, definite decision to terminate the use. At this time the annual subscription was only three guineas, free of any green fee, and members enjoyed the facilities of a bar.
The uncertainty regarding the use of the Band Pavilion continued until 1970.
The decision was then taken to build our own club premises and plans were drawn up. A site was identified at Dulwich Road, Clacton however, just two months after building had started it was found to be unsuitable ground. Clacton Urban District Council offered another site but this time the bowls club met with opposition from local residents who objected. It was third time lucky when we took on an alternative which is our present Valley Road site.

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